Mindset is key to success!

Customer testimonials

The formula for success is: “I know who I am, what I want and how I can achieve it! Daniel has the gift of identifying your potential, motivating it and releasing the crucial 5%.” The question: “What makes a Company Future Ready?” we discuss confidentially with companies.

My methodology

wound to wish – wish to wonder – wonder to wisdom

I’ve developed this three-step methodology to accompany businesses and individuals in various situations as they move along individually tailored paths toward the same goal: the fulfillment of their life’s dreams.

In Leadership and Mindset Coaching, I act as a trustworthy, empathetic sparring partner conducting open dialog and discourse with my client, to give structure to thoughts, wishes and needs. After an initial analysis or overview phase, we work together to develop an individual, innovative solution – in other words visions, goals and strategies. To ensure a successful transition into practice, we then create an implementation guideline. In this way I will support you through the entire process, from initial brainstorming to taking the necessary actions. The target is always your professional and financial success, as well as your private satisfaction, your personal happiness.

01 | Anlaysis

Analysis of complex situations – getting to the point

The principle is simple: without a proper analysis, success will elude you. Resolving complex situations is of course not a straightforward matter – it requires experience and expertise. I apply a holistic, unconventional perspective and way of thinking to give the right impetus that businesses and individuals need to be able to define their business, professional and personal goals. In over 100 coaching projects covering a multitude of topics, my method “From wound to wish” has proven itself to be target-oriented, motivating, and sustainable.

02 | Solution

A strategic approach to your goal

The process of analysis and definition leads to the formulation of a precise strategy and an appropriately customized action plan. The motivation and streamlining you need will develop as part of the solution-finding process itself, in which current challenges are transformed into tangible, achievable tasks leading to the goal. The vision thus becomes a reality. “From wish to wonder” is of proven value in terms of problem-solving competence, solution-oriented thinking and crisis management.

03 | Implementation

Where there's a will, there's a way – with professional guidance

The formulation of goals is the first step. The greater challenge usually lies in achieving them. What helps here are clearly defined timeframes linked to a specified budget. Willpower, assertiveness and commitment, together with the appropriate selection of stakeholders, are decisive factors. Applying my method “From wonder to wisdom”, my network and I support you in implementing your plan – not with “off-the-shelf” motivational slogans, but along your personal path.

04 | Feedback

A forward-looking attitude

To lead a successful, happy life – both privately and at work – also means remaining agile, and able to respond to change with clarity of mind. For it’s not always that everything goes according to plan. But a redefinition of future needs may, of course, also be triggered by a wish to alter course – and this is where I will gladly assist you with feedback or in repositioning yourself. Because the goal of leading a fulfilled life remains unchanged, even in times of change.

Book your free initial consultation with Daniel Seidl now

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